Cyclops Kicks Off New EP With Surreal Masterpiece, ‘Womp World’
March 14, 2025
March 14, 2025
Perfecto Records is back and they’ve collided the talents of legendary boss Paul Oakenfold with the lyrical genius of international pop star Matt Goss under the new alias, The Concrete Sneakers. The title of the tune refers to the boundary-less hype this song could receive: “Touch The Sky”.
As if fans thought this was enough, Oakenfold as included 3 different remixes from some of the top producers in the world.
Dutch house surgeon Disfunktion orchestrated a heart pounding thriller remix to the song that Oakenfold has blasted through speakers along with Madonna on her MDNA tour. Cross continental duo Faustix & Imanos added version that lifts up any set from groovy to out of control. Flesh & Bone gives the remixes a slower side of “Touch the Sky” before tricking listeners into a banging drop.
This seductive grouping of songs was released in Beatport on the 21st but will be available everywhere else on the 4th of February.
Can’t turn this song off? You’re in luck. Paul Oakenfold will be taking the tables at Wild Knight this Friday!
Disfunktion Remix
Faustix & Imanos Remix
Flesh & Bone Remix
Disfunktion Radio Edit