John Alto Makes EPIC BodyHi Debut With ‘Do You Like Bass?’
February 5, 2025
February 5, 2025
19-year-old Brit Joe Garston is hopeful for the future, based simply off the title of one of his most recent jams. “Happy Ending” delightfully mixes the lyrics of Andrew Farr with a very unique groove that’ll cause listeners to tape down their repeat buttons for quite some time.
The song released March 18th, and ever since, it’s been jamming clubs with its poppy vibe. I’d compare it to something else, but it really is it’s own song.
The beat builds with a moody wonk noise, to finish with meaningful words. “I don’t see anybody else when I’m holding you.” Drop.
Electro house jumps up and down with faded female vocals bouncing with the rhythm to let, Mr. Farr know that he’s not singing his emotional outcry to empty ears.
Joe Garston brilliantly molds together an sensually happy song to put you in the mood for summer. Check it out and enjoy!