Relentless Beats

DJ Snake and Tchami Forced to Halt Tour After Car Accident; Injuries Sustained

Last night we were graced with some bad news as it was announced via social media that DJ Snake and Tchami have been in a car accident with their manager at the wheel. The accident did not claim lives, however, the three of these men have sustained injuries. What exactly the injuries entail are unknown at the moment.

As a result, both DJ Snake and Tchami have, by doctors orders, been forced to halt their tours in order to recover properly. What this means is that the two of the performers Halloween shows will likely be cancelled. This includes shows in Vegas, Puerto Rico, and San Bernardino for Snake, and Freaky Deaky in Chicago and Voodoo in New Orleans for Tchami.

Take a look at the official statement below:

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Best wishes to everyone involved in the accident. Here’s to a quick recovery for all.

Share your love and support with the DJ Snake and Tchami:

DJ Snake Twitter:
Tchami Twitter:

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