Most Anticipated Sets of NYE: Decadence Arizona
December 20, 2024
December 20, 2024
Music is easily one of the most powerful things on this planet. Everyone listens to it, everyone knows it, it’s all around us all the time, and to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone ever say, “I don’t like music.” It can move people by the masses and bring out such a positive force that we forget what our worries are, yet at the same time it can remind us of our darkest woes and deepest moments in life. Everyone has their genre that provides them with the support and moral that their values and ethics align with to keep them going and get through their day.
However, the music that we hear now on the radio, or at concerts, soundcloud, or whatever our personal music box is, wasn’t always where it is today. Perfecting a craft like music is an art and it takes several years to master. It really is something that gets over-looked half the time, the years of hard work that people put in to getting to a place where they can share their music with the whole nation and really how many people truly believe in this and try to make it a reality. It’s dope that there is some dude, pressing buttons up on a stage, but it’s a lot more than that. So today I wanted to share some of those reasons with you guys, which is why this week’s The Kid’s 3 Reasons is on why you should support your local DJs and producers.
1. There are styles of music you don’t even know exist!
A lot of DJs and producers just start out tinkering with noises in their bedroom or basement. They may be creating a completely new style of music or a track that relates to you even more than what is out there on commercial radio or big name labels. You’ll never know if you don’t take the opportunity to get out and listen to it! Go to a smaller concert or event, maybe one in the desert, or in someone’s garage! Who knows what is out there! Maybe you’ll find someone and help their music take off by showing it to your friends. Either way, find what you love and keep sharing the music.
2. Local talent serves up a great night of entertainment for a cheap price!
The next, and more obvious reason, is entertainment. What else is a better way to go out for a night of fun then spending $10, or most of the time free, cover charge to see one of your friends get up on stage and throw down! I promise you that concerts are way more fun when you actually know the person up there on the stage too. Not too mention that every performer, unless maybe you’ve been doing this for years, has a little bit of anxiety when they get up on stage. Nothing helps cure that anxiety more than seeing a friendly face in the crowd cheering you on and going ham not matter what.
3. They put in more hours than you think!
A lot of the time the local DJs who open for the headliners who come to town are also doing a lot of work behind the scenes to make the actual festival you’re attending possible. Countless hours or promo online, talking to friends about the events, selling tickets and delivering them! These guys seriously hustle! And it’s all because they believe that the music they make can really help people relate and find a place at home.
So next time you see that low budget concert that everyone is talking trash on, maybe go check it out! If you see a local DJ who you think had a really dope set, tell them. I swear to you there is nothing better than having a random person tell you your set was dope. It’ll mean the world to them.