Riddim Rats: VKTM Takes On Darkstar
March 21, 2025
March 21, 2025
Adventures through the Multiverse explores the theory of multidimensions through various fields of art. Whether it’s music, poi, fire spinning, hooping, or other gifted talents, Adventures of the Multiverse welcomes talent and people from every dimension.
Adventures through the Multiverse is taking place in Pennsylvania on November 25. With four rooms of talent, each one will portray contrasting extensions of the universe. What is really intriguing about this event is that they have you thinking as soon as you look at the flyer. With a portal staring right at you, one could only wonder what is actually on the inside.
The artwork may remind you of Rick and Morty’s experiences through multiple dimensions. With the new season to come out sometime within these next couple months.. we’re only teased with the event’s artwork. Lately, the wonder about multiple dimensions has grown into one of the most popular topics of discussion. Remaining on this topic, your thoughts may skate back to that one time your best friend tried to convince you they’ve broken into another dimension. Either all you could do was laugh or you related it to the time you thought you did as well!
The human mind is one of a kind. At the end of the month, Adventures through the Multiverse will be casting up different ideas about the topic. They’ll also be providing the east coast with some of the freshest bass music around. With artists such as Dieselboy, Downlink, Bommer, Architekt, and even Uber B2B Subtronics, anyone in attendance is about to get their face liquefied.
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