Dom Dolla Taps Partiboi69 & X Club. for Euphoric Remix of ‘CAVE’ ft. Tove Lo
December 27, 2024
December 27, 2024
Since the genre’s emergence in the early ’90s, Andy C has served as a drum n bass pioneer, and has consistently been voted World’s Greatest Drum and Bass DJ. He’s also the owner/creator of RAM Records and specializes in fast mixing, often employing three turntables, and is known for mixing established classics with cutting edge releases.
Over the weekend at Bassrush Massive, I had the chance to sit down with Andy himself to ask a few questions before his set. He had lots to say and has lots to look forward to, check it out.
What influenced you to create drum n bass, amongst other genres?
“Well I definitely didn’t create drum n bass personally, but when I got into this music it was a long time ago, when drum n bass didn’t exist. So I got into hardcore and drum n bass came out of jungle in the UK, so I play a small part in the many many people that make up the drum n bass world.”
You’ve been in the game pretty much since drum n bass was created, how do you think the genre has evolved since?
“Massively. Its evolved from parties with 10-20 people in east London. I just found a flyer earlier from parties we put on in pubs. Until today, now we travel the world. I’m here in Phoenix tonight and was in Houston yesterday. And it’s just a worldwide phenomenon. Drum n bass is just such a unique genre and I think because of that a lot of people on the road can connect with the music and it reminds them of a good time in their life. Drum n bass only brings good times, and its just turned in to this beautiful culture with a family vibe behind the scenes. We can relate to thousands of people and once they’ve heard it, people keep coming back. Other genres come and go, but drum n bass is like a slow burn. Just keeps going up and up.”
Who is your favorite drum n bass artist and why?
“Theres no way I could pick just one. I love the depth and all the different influences of our music. I play everybody from the hardest styles to the party vibes. I love it all, and I’m not gonna single anybody out cause my love for drum n bass runs deep. beyond deep. I just did a residency in the UK for 13 weeks and every set was different and I played over a thousand tunes. So theres no way I can pick just one.”
What drove you to create RAM records, and how would you say it’s grown over the years?
“Well, what drove me to create RAM was I had finished school and needed a job. So I was sitting down at the dinner table and my sister said why don’t you start a record label? And we could call it RAM since you’re an Aries, and she sat down and drew the logo with a felt pen. And I thought, well thats how you start a record label. I borrowed a thousand pounds for my uncle after I convinced him to lend me money and I printed up the records and started from there. It’s been 25 years this year and we’ve had an amazing array of artists and tunes and history, so we’re gonna celebrate. We’ll have a big party soon and I’ll remix the old classics and celebrate big time.”
You’ve got a lot of tour dates following your set here tonight at Bassrush, where are you most excited to play?
“I’m always excited to go to new places that I haven’t been before. This summers gonna be amazing.”
I’m personally excited to see you at Electric Forest.
“That one is amazing. I remember how amazing it was a few years back and can’t wait to go back.”
Do you have anything special for us to expect during your set tonight?
“I’ve just done a remix of the Pegboard Nerds so I’ll be dropping that as well as a new tune of mine, a few new tunes actually, I’ve been working hard in the studio and I’ve got a remix of an old classic that I just got a new version of that I’ll be dropping as well.”
Like you just said, you recently released an awesome remix of the Pegboard Nerds track ‘Speed Of Light’ and your single ‘What Bass’, do you have anything else in the works right now?
“Tons. Too much. It gets a bit overwhelming because now I travel with my equipment and with my studio and theres a lot of material. I’m just gonna release the records as they go, I have a record on Atlantic that should be done in June. And I’ll have another tune on RAM a couple of months after that, and I’ll be doing remixes for the 25 years of RAM also. But stuff’s never done. There’s always an opportunity to change it and do some more. So as long as I can stop procrastinating and do more, there will be tons of new music.”
Andy’s passion for drum n bass was so apparent as soon as we started talking. Its remarkable how long he’s been contributing to the scene, and he can easily be named one of the biggest influential characters of the genre. Stay tuned with Andy C for all of his upcoming music, and celebration of RAM Record’s 25th Birthday.