Relentless Beats

SIPPY Releases Rock-Oriented Monstercat Jam, ‘Sip On This’

Aussie legend SIPPY is back at it again with another incredible release. Teaming up with prominent label Monstercat once again to bring us a rifftastic drop that seamlessly blends Rock and Dubstep. Resulting in an ear-tingling track that brings about a steady head-banging sensation in the listener. SIPPY is a versatile artist who is able to craft tracks that bridge the gaps between numerous genres. She frequently collaborates with SMOAKLAND, accompanying him on tours and B2B sets. This massive industry co-sign shows the craftwork and dedication that she puts into every track. SIPPY affectionally calls herself (and her fans) “Gremlins.” Often sporting a full-faced woven bunny hat with ears and fluffy goggles to match. SIPPY unleashes her inner gremlin in this outfit, while maximizing her energy and stage presence. SIPPY is a standout star that is sure to continue leaving her mark on the industry.

“Sip On This” begins with a slow, menacing guitar lick that extends into a prominent drum beat. The riffs continue to move around the other elements, like a darting rabbit in a dense forest. A steady hum of bass looms in the background, providing additional rhythm to “Sip On This.” A supercharged pulse of bass/drums and a deep vocal sample lead us into the first drop.

“Here we go now. SIP ON THIS! UH!”

Crunchy bass and spiraling wonks abound in this drop. The guitar riffs occasionally return as the sample repeats. This drop is electric, fuzzy, and highly danceable. The deep vocal sample begins an eerie chant, as bright undertones provide contrast to the heavy guitars and beat. A bridge then leads the listener back into the guitar-heavy verses that greeted us in the introduction. I can pick up on subtle vocal samples in this section as well. Adding a new feel to “Sip On This.” The next drop changes things up a bit by incorporating tropical “whoop” effects, more low-ended bass and subtle shifts in tone. We return once again to a riff-heavy verse, as one final guitar lick draws “Sip On This” to a close.

SIPPY is an amazing international artist spreading good vibes and tunes to eager audiences around the world. Her contribution to Monstercat Uncaged represents her evolution as an artist, as well as the label’s dedication to finding (and supporting) knockout stars of the industry. You can read about “The Banana Song,” another recent release by SIPPY HERE! Keep an eye out for what SIPPY has in store for us in the future and check her links/discography below.

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