TVBOO Drops New Album, ‘Daisy Dukes & Cowboy Boots’ & Accompanying Tour
September 16, 2024
September 16, 2024
Almost suddenly out of no where, on May 31st Bassnectar announced in a tweet that he has a new album coming out. Titled Unlimited this is his 12th full album release, not including the several other mixtapes, singles, and EPs that he has released. The full album will be out on June 17th, but for now he’s giving us a sneak peak with four songs, reminding everyone why he has been doing this for nearly 17 years now and how amazing the experience he creates really makes you feel.
Reaching Out
A pretty on-point song to have on the top of the list as it perfectly sums up the album artwork., with arpeggiated synths and an slowly morphing ambiance in the background, this song truly does make you feel like you’re an astronaut “Reaching Out” into the abyss of space. The vocals are edited in a sort of robotic, futuristic character as well which adds to the energy that the main synth gives to the song, driving it all the way through the end until once again you’re left with everything fading off into the distance giving you a sensation that you truly are somewhere in space.
Music Is The Drug
My personal favorite from the four tracks we’ve seen so far, not only because the title is spot on, but a minute in when the drops hits everything comes together so beautifully, intensely, and emotionally. With a buzzing bassline faded into the background and a synth that reminds me of a violinist heroically singing out it’s message, you can feel every ounce of emotion Bassnectar has put into this track. Halfway through and he brings out a g-house/hip-hop feel with vocals repetitively saying “Music Is The Drug”.
Taking a funky, futuristic almost trap like sound, Bassnectar starts this song out with some nice saxophone and a quickly escalating build up. Once again vocals over the track gives the song the little bit of gangsta edge as they say “Hit em with the heavy weights” and a fat bass rolls underneath that providing the little bit of push on the downbeat of every measure.
Taking a slower more ambient feel that reminds me of Odesza, Bassnectar and The Glitch Mob got together for this powerful track. The track takes a while for the drop to come up, but Bassnectar does a wonderful job weaving the energy in and out until 1:30 or so when everything climaxes. The rest of the almost 3 minutes in the track is an immense sound that will resonate perfectly at the large festivals. The sound encompasses the entire room you are in and bass rolls all over the place as the chord progression he uses wonderful stirs every bit of emotion in your heart.
All in all, we wish Bassnectar could’ve released all of the songs now, but the four tracks he gives us for now are a wonderful start to what we always know is good music. Don’t forget that Bassnectar will be coming out to Arizona for Global Dance Festival on November 19th! Grab tickets while you can now right here!!! Prepare for one of the most jaw-dropping performances Arizona has ever seen so far.
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