Relentless Beats

Electric Forest Makes Conscious Decision to Return to One Weekend



The past two years, popular Rothbury, MI festival Electric Forest, has spread the musical joy across two four-day weekends. Electric Forest recently made the announcement that 2019’s festival would be a one-weekend-only event and it’s sparked curious discussion for all the right reasons. While it means that fewer Forest goers will be able to attend, it means a lot of good things to come for the forest. By returning to one weekend in the Forest, Insomniac and Madison House will be able to curate the optimal experience this year and in many years to come. In addition, it will aid in their protection efforts to keep the Sherwood Forest healthy and thriving, with their multi-year conservation plan beginning in 2019.

In an official statement, the organizers explain:

Not only is it refreshing to see environmental consciousness displayed by festival organizers, but it’s also impressive to see a company put morals over money. Electric Forest returns to Rothbury June 27th-30th. The festival’s unparalleled lineup led to a record-time sellout–just four hours! Keep your eye on those resell pages.

Connect with Electric Forest: Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

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