Relentless Beats

Subtronics | Cyclops Desert

March 7 & 8, 2025

Rawhide Event Center - Chandler, AZ

Headliner Subtronics

Supports Mersiv, INZO, Hedex, Alleycvt, Smoakland, Basstripper, Skellytn, Dennett

Type Festival

Venue Rawhide Event Center5700 W North Loop Rd
Chandler, AZ 85226

Ages 18+

Show 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM

Doors 8:00 PM

Event Description

Relentless Beats & Aftershock presents Subtronics | Cyclops Desert on Friday, March 7, 2025 at Rawhide Event Center in Chandler, AZ. This show is 18+.

All items are subject to the discretion of event security. 

The following is not allowed into the venue:

NO Illegal substances or drug paraphernalia
NO Cannabis
NO Pets
NO Massagers or pacifiers
NO Poi
NO Laser pens or pointers
NO Eyedrops
NO Glass, cans, cups, or coolers
NO Markers, pens, or spray paint
NO Large chains, spiked jewelry, or spiked accessories
NO Stickers or flyers
NO Tents, large umbrellas, or chairs
NO Wind chairs/sofas
NO Large purses or bags (over 15” X 15” X 5” inches)
NO Open cigarettes, lipstick, chapstick, tampons
NO Outside food, beverage, or alcohol
NO Professional cameras (SLR or detachable lenses)
NO Video or audio recording equipment
NO Knives, firearms, pepper spray, fireworks, or weapons of any kind
NO Toy weapons or real weapons of any kind
NO Sticks, staff, swords, sabers, whips, or scepters including extendable items
NO Open sunscreen
NO Balloons, balls, frisbees, or any other projectile
NO Native American headdresses
NO Festival totems


The following is allowed into the venue:

OK (2) factory-sealed water bottles of ANY SIZE
OK Clear empty plastic water bottles of ANY SIZE
OK Clear (transparent) bags – max size 15” X 15”x 5“
OK Clear (transparent) backpacks – max size 15” X 15”x 5“
OK Clear (transparent) fanny packs – max size 15” X 15”x 5“
OK Empty non-transparent Camelbaks with no more than 2 pockets – max size 15” X 15”x 5“
OK Small clutch up to 5” X 7” X 2” in size
OK Non-Professional Still Cameras including Go Pros (GoPros may NOT be attached to a monopod or extendable pole)
OK Lighters
OK Sealed: cigarette packages, tampons, packs of gum, chapstick/lip gloss
OK Glowing/illuminated costumes or jewelry (to be searched upon entry)
OK Sunglasses and hats
OK Sealed liquid sunscreen and cosmetic products
OK Disposable E-cigs, nicotine vaporizer pens, excluding those with refillable chambers containing visible liquid
OK Guide dogs for people with disabilities and other service animals

Prescription Medication Policy

All prescription medications must be presented in a pharmacy-labeled container. The label must include the prescription details, dosage, and the name of the individual.

  • The name on the prescription must match a valid form of identification (e.g., driver’s license, state ID).
  • Only a sufficient supply of the medication needed for the duration of the event is permitted.
  • Over-the-counter medications are allowed in a sufficient supply for one day.
  • Expired medications are strictly prohibited.
  • All medications must be verified by medical staff, safety officers or a security supervisor prior to entering the event.

About Subtronics

A love for SUBwoofers and elecTRONICS has brought us Subtronics. Growing up in Philadelphia, PA, Jesse Kardon, AKA Subtronics, had a passion for his drum set and Radiohead. While in high school, he discovered electronic music and became enamored with the scene. Having never heard … Read More

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