Relentless Beats

Delta Heavy Unveils a Stunning Hans Zimmer ‘Interstellar’ Tribute

Ben Hall & Simon James, better known by their stage name Delta Heavy, will be the first to tell you about their borderline obsession with Hans Zimmer. The two have noted previously that they’re incredibly inspired by him and their latest track pays tribute to the man they admire. The duo recreated the main theme “S.T.A.Y.”, adding their signature DnB twist to the tune. It combines Zimmer’s melodic prowess with Delta Heavy’s aggressive brand of dance, forming one gloriously adapted film score.
Check it out below:

It’s been played over 25k times in the week since it’s release. Delta Heavy had this to say about the production: “The work of Hans Zimmer is truly one of our biggest influences, and Interstellar is our favourite ever film soundtrack. It felt natural to draw from this inspiration and we’re very proud to unveil what we feel is one of our most personal and ambitious projects to date.

With Hans Zimmer in the midst of his Live Tour, Delta Heavy wanted to share their own tribute to the living legend. Check out Delta Heavy this weekend at the first ever Middlelands festival. You won’t want to miss this set!
Connect with Delta Heavy: Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

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